skiipst · 2 years ago
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i KNOW they have never interacted with each other except for the mask conversation but they’re real in my head.
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violamellohi · 1 year ago
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multim00n · 1 year ago
Hello could i request some headcannons for yandere Hunter x gn!reader x yandere edric
Hello everyone! Sorry I haven’t been posting this week, I haven’t had much motivation and I’ve been pretty busy :’(
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Yandere Goldric Headcannons
Warnings: Yandere characters, obsessive behavior, typical yandere violence.
I implied this to be poly, but you can ignore those parts if you’d like!
Ugh ok so I LOVE Goldric, but that doesn’t mean I don’t ship Huntlow either *laughs in multishipper*
Hunter and Edric are very insecure and possessive partners
Edric would be more clingy towards you while Hunter would focus on controlling you and protecting you
Edric and Hunter probably banter a lot (lovingly) but still
I feel like Hunter and Edric would be in a relationship before they got with you, and they bonded over their shared obsession over you
Hunters love languages are words of affirmations and gift giving
Edric love language is physical touch and gift giving as well
Their form of punishment is locking you away in either their basement or just a small room in their house
Edric kisses are short and sweet while Hunters are long and possessive
Hunter will do anything and everything for you, even if it means he has to endure pain and emotional agony
Rarely ever do Hunter and Edric get angry at you, but when they do you’d be walking on egg shells for the next week or so
I don’t know much about Edric’s character, but I do feel like he would be more playful then Hunter and it would seem more like a normal (ish) relationship with him around
Hunter is basically the ‘leader’ of the relationship, and has an obsession with both you AND Edric (however he hasn’t said anything about it)
Hunter will probably be the one to kill, torture, or blackmail a person who shows even the slightest bit of interest in either you or Edric, but he would probably do it secretly so you nor Edric would get freaked out
Hunter and Edric would be over the moon if you ever gave them physical or emotional affection, and a bright pink blush would be on their cheeks
Hope you like this! I LOVE Hunter and Edric, their my fav owl house characters :)
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haystarlight · 2 years ago
you know, Goldric is a lot funnier now that we know the true nature of both boys is being cringe fail loser nerds.
like, when the ship first got popular in S2A, we were under the impression they were both very cool and competent. like, Hunter was the serious one and Edric was the funny one but they were both very traditionally cool guys.
but it turns out they're both just losers and I wanna see more takes of them being fucking losers.
(note: before ASIAS aired and the parasites took over my brain, I used to ship Goldric and Skarlow. that has since changed, obviously. but I still have a soft spot for both ships. so this is not, like, me throwing shade. I'm just having a laugh. I don't want anyone to be mad at me)
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mynameiscoal · 2 years ago
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🎄🎁 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 💖 May peace be with you all 💖💖💖 Also have some owl house bois in full holly jolly spirit 🎄🤩
Twitter: @coalfidelis
Instagram: @coalfidelis
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jayz4dayz · 1 year ago
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plumhot · 2 years ago
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Been so busy it’s insane. However how are you all doing?
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kaishimo · 1 year ago
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@gl4ssfan on a toh character. Can't go without calling a character from a show a slut smh
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673mmm376 · 1 year ago
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Yeeahh it is boschlow!!!!
+bonus. fem!huntric and adventure time au lol.
Im so so sorry I having a fucking hard creative block for about half a year and it’s all some shit... But still.
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strangerpringle · 3 months ago
hey! can u draw Hunter and Edric and how they first got together or met?
idk if u already did that but I would like to see it
Actually I just updated a Huntric first meeting script I posted here a while ago, just scroll down my page for a bit and you’ll find it :D
I’d love to make visuals for it but I don’t even know how long that’ll take and I’m working on bigger projects anyway lol but maybe one day :)
BUT I did draw these :D✨
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kefirnik · 3 months ago
I forgot I had a blog😶
for my friend, hahah, lol
original video:
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sokkadora · 7 months ago
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➢ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐃 [ reader ]
➢ 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 [ noceda!reader ]
➢ 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 [ request ]
➢ 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 [ request ]
➢ 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 [ reader ]
➢ 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 [ reader ]
➢ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘 [ reader ]
➢ 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘, pt 2 [ request ]
➢ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐔𝐓 [ reader ]
➢ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 [ reader ]
➢ 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 [ reader ]
➢ 𝐇𝐔𝐆𝐒 [ reader ]
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➢ 𝐄𝐂𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘 [ beta!luz x reader ]
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frickingnerd · 1 year ago
love triangle with yandere hunter & yandere edric
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pairing: yandere!golden guard!hunter! x gn!reader x yandere!edric blight
tags: reader being locked away, mean!edric, reader crying, angst, minor mentions of murderous thoughts, overall toxic behaviour
a/n: i found this image as a repost, but if anyone has the artists name, then please let me know so i can credit them!
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hunter is a lot of things as a yandere that are all due to his upbringing by emperor belos
hunter is clingy, obsessive, possessive and overprotective of you, all because you are his favorite person! 
he even isolates you from the world around you, because he so desperately needs to have you for himself
growing up, he was never someone's favorite person and now that he has you, he can't lose being your favorite! 
hunter depends on you and needs to have you in his life, otherwise it would be completely meaningless…
he's only so overbearingly clingy, obsessive, overprotective and possessive because he couldn't live without being your favorite person
and to make sure he always stays your favorite, he keeps you hidden away from the world
but there is one boy who dares to defy hunter and force his way into your life; edric blight! 
edric had the wrong idea about your relationship from the start and always misread the signals you were giving him
you were just being polite when talking to him, but edric was convinced you were secretly in love with him and not hunter! 
because of that, edric is quite condescending and can come off as quite a douche, because he's just so convinced that you're in love with him
he's always flirting with you and playfully teasing, though sometimes he can come off more as a bully with his teasing
the way he talks about your relationship with hunter, mocking you for liking the golden guard, can often get you to tear up, only for edric to brush it off as him just making a joke and you being too sensitive
whenever edric makes you cry, he won't leave you alone until you assure him that you aren't mad at him, training you to say things like "i'm never mad at you" or "i still love you"
deep down, he knows he can't easily steal you away from hunter, so he has to condition you into loving him, by regularly training you to say that you love him
hunter and edric absolutely despise each other! 
hunter locks you away to keep you away from edric, yet edric still manages to sneak in and steal you away for a date outside
while hunter is the nice one out of the two, the one that makes you feel loved, edric is the one that makes you feel free! 
and you really do need both of those things; love and freedom
slowly, the two boys have to accept that, even if they'd rather be the only one in your life
they'd rather kill each other than have the other steal you away from them, but they know it would only make you sad if they died, so they don't hurt each other
after all, they both do want you to be happy…
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waffuruoi · 2 years ago
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And for King I won't write romance only a platonic relationship. Maybe if King is aged up or the character is around the same age as him.
Platonic Realtionships
Make sure you give me a genuine idea of what you want to happen in the oneshots
Any character is accepted here! 💜
P.S For a better experience view this post on the Tumblr mobile app.
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theoutcastedartist · 2 years ago
"I missed you..."
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The beast keeper's track is starting to pay off.
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years ago
Hello there!!!
I was just wondering if I could request edric, hunter, and mattholule (separately) with a male or masc reader that is usually pretty chill, until someone makes their partner uncomfortable and all hell rises? Thank you! Feel free to delete this req, stay safe and drink water!!
Angered Chill S/O Headcanons | Edric, Hunter & Mattholomule
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as male but can mostly be read as neutral
Edric Blight
it was your chilled out, go-with-the-flow nature that had initially drawn edric to you when you’d first met
him and his sister were the main forces of chaos at hexside and, being a sucker for romance tropes, he was all for the idea of an opposites-attract type of love
and you two work well together, balancing out each other’s flaws and highlighting your strengths
yin and yang; the chaotic and the calm
but he didn’t realise that your demeanour was very much so the calm before the storm
like he’d certainly tried and succeeded to annoy you or get you to snap (all in good fun, of course) but he’d never gotten much of a response and thus assumed you were just that unbothered
so imagine his shock and excitement when you’d blown up at the students in the year above you two when they’d started making fun of him
he was startled by your aggressive side, certainly, but once he got to grips with himself he got the smuggest look on his face and just wrapped his arms around your waist and looked at you with stars in his eyes
expect plenty of bragging from him about how “my boyfriend totally just shut those guys up - wasn’t that the coolest thing ever?!!”
hunter is massively appreciative of how chill you are because he’s pretty much always anxious or frustrated at something or another
he loves having a boyfriend that he can turn to when he’s getting in his own head that can calm him down and help him look at the situation objectively
you’re not quite opposites but it’s close and it’s massively appreciated on his part
he can’t recall a time that he’s ever seen you frustrated, let alone outright angry — and he can’t imagine anyone ever wanting to defend someone like him
so imagine his utter shock and amazement when the first time he sees you snap is to defend him against the group of strangers that were taunting him
he’s caught between wanting to drag you away to calm you down and letting you continue because he has to admit that seeing his chilled out boyfriend snap is definitely a flustering sight
but his rational side wins out and he urges you to walk away and helps you calm down
though he’ll definitely let you know how much he appreciates you doing that for him after the fact
mattholomule appreciates your chilled out nature, but also doesn’t get how you’re able to brush off as much as you do
he’s quick to anger and tends to lash out at those around him at times
so having a boyfriend that just isn’t like that at all is really startling — and it makes him that bit more protective over you
he feels like he needs to overcompensate and prove himself to you and to others since you’re just so unbothered by what others say
so when another group of his peers start gossiping about him, he’s all too ready to snap and put on an act of bravado when you beat him to the punch
and he’s shocked — obviously he is — but he’s quick to shake that feeling before giving them a smug look and encouraging you with comments like “get ‘em, babe,” and the like
will tease you about it afterwards but is flustered by your determination to defend him and will thank you for it in his own way
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